If you want to achieve great things in your life with ease, you’ll need backup from the Universe. When you tune in and harness universal forces, you’ll feel like you’re floating on a river of energy that reveals each step as you flow through your experience. You’ll have a unique certainty that will empower you to lock out doubt and fear. This experience is not always pleasant. It can feel scary, like someone asking you to step out of your comfort zone and against convention. However, you can achieve more by trusting and acting on this type of inspiration. You’ll enjoy the journey just as much as the destination. So how do you take inspired action to achieve your goals?
Recognise inspired action
Inspired action starts with an inspired idea. The idea feels unique and fresh compared to other ideas. You can recognise these ideas by how they make you feel; they arrive from a sudden internal force, like an epiphany. It also may seem “crazy” to you and like something you usually wouldn’t consider, but you know that it will make you happy when you act on this inspired idea. Inspired action happens when you act on the idea and take the next step towards making it a reality.
Decide to take inspired action before logic kicks in
Once you receive the idea, there is a powerful moment of creation which is the best time to act. This small window of enthusiasm and high energy is precious and filled with unlimited potential, but it doesn’t last long. Before you know it, the logical brain kicks in and fills you with doubt. It says things like, that’s a crazy idea, it will never work, and what will your family say?
Take one small step, and the next step will reveal itself. It could be doing a quick google search, blocking out a time on your calendar to start or talking to someone who has experience in your area of interest. Any small step will open doors to MORE inspired action! By deciding to take action at the moment of inspiration, you will let the Universe know you have received the guidance and are prepared to work WITH it rather than against it.
Recognise the type of action you are taking
Any action we take has a precise vibration or energy that precedes it. The energy behind inspired action feels different to the energy behind forced action. By recognising which energy is driving your action, you can adjust and decide whether to act, take a break or tune your energy to the desired state. Here are two more types of action.
Neutral Action
This action is the boring stuff, the autopilot action you take to move around in life. This is neutral because it maintains your current position. Washing dishes, running errands, grocery shopping and brushing your teeth are essential for survival. This type of action doesn’t have much energy or emotion behind it. However, don’t underestimate neutral action, as this can be where inspired thoughts have the best chance of popping up. Have you ever thought of a solution or brilliant idea in the shower?
Forced Action
Forced action usually comes because of lower vibration thought patterns like fear, doubt and indecision. It comes from the head and is driven by the logical cause and effect mind, and it is limited by your beliefs of what you think is possible. When you act out of fear or because you think you should, you feel out of alignment. You’ll feel like you’re gripping onto a situation. You’ll put a lot of effort into something that is simply not getting you the result.
All this energy forcing a situation will leave you feeling depleted. You’ll feel like your life is a repeating loop of disappointments. This type of action comes when you are overly obsessed with the outcome and attempting to control the environment to achieve it. Having a goal is essential, but when you focus on the destination without valuing the journey and all the lessons you can learn along the way, you’ll always be waiting to feel good.
To get out of this cycle, start to recognise these clunky feelings and step away from whatever task you are trying to achieve. Change the scenery, go for a walk, or listen to your favourite music. You will not be able to complete that task or come up with the best solution while resisting reality with forced action.
How to Take Inspired Action When You Don’t Feel like It
If you plan on waiting for the inspiration fairy to come to wave her magic wand until you do anything, you could be waiting a while. There are a few little tricks you can play with yourself to stoke the inspirational flames when your inspiration has taken a hiatus.
Try it For 10 Minutes
When we think of a task as overwhelming or don’t know where to start, we can either avoid it or attempt to force it. Tell yourself you’re only going to do 10 minutes of that thing, and if you don’t like it, you can stop. Wait 10 minutes and assess if the action feels neutral, forced or inspired. You may find that your creativity and energy will boost, and the next thing you know, you’ve accomplished something that is moving you toward your goals.
Someone who has accomplished incredible feats is Stephen Duneier. Watch his TED talk on what is possible by using this approach.
Reconnect With Your Why
What are the reasons you want to accomplish your goal? If your inspiration has disappeared, it can be because you’ve drifted too far from your why. If you are losing weight, think about the result of having more energy and self-confidence to engage in your life more fully. If it’s building a business, reconnect with why you’re making it and the long-term benefits it will give you.
Take a Break
Inspiration rarely occurs when you’re exhausted! Don’t worry; your goals will be there when you come back to them; in fact, you may have renewed enthusiasm or new ideas. Take some time out to rest, recover, and do other inspiring, fun activities that will help you recharge and regain your motivation and inspiration. Getting out in nature is a beautiful way to do this.
Consume Inspirational Content
Choose content that lifts you and inspires you. It’s like eating vegetables for the soul and can reignite your inspiration! There is an infinite supply of inspirational content available today in various mediums.
Get Moving
Exercise has been proven to improve your emotional state and fill you with feel-good hormones. Stepping away from your tasks to get your heart pumping and break a sweat will give your MORE time by increasing your focus. Not sure what to do? Don’t overthink it, walking, skipping, dancing, or even housework will do the trick!
Find Examples of Success
Look for examples of other people who have achieved what you want to achieve, and listen to how they overcame their challenges and stayed true to themselves and their goals through the ups and downs. If it has been done before, it IS possible, and YOU can do it too!
To Conclude
Achieving your goals will require action; you must commit to taking steps every day, no matter how small, and be aware of the types of energy used to propel you into the life you want. But don’t forget to step back and enjoy this life that is right here; the journey is just as valuable as the destination, and with inspired action, you can use universal force to achieve more than you ever thought possible.
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