Meditation for intuition will help you access powerful information. Intuition is highly subjective and mysterious. It is a sparkling thought that feels like its origins came from somewhere outside of you. It appears in a flash, and you are provided with answers to your burning questions when you least expect it. Imagine accessing this level of deep knowledge when you need it most. Harnessing your intuition allows you to move through life confidently in your ability to handle whatever challenges come your way. The key to gaining this ability has a clear mind through regular meditation.

Meditate to tune in

Meditation can help you focus, quiet your mind, and access your intuition. Follow these simple steps to get started:

1) Sit in a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed with your eyes closed.

2) Breathe deeply and evenly, following your breath as it comes in, fills your lungs and leaves your body. Pay attention to all the sensations of the breath, feeling it in your nostrils, and listen to your breath’s sound as you gently allow your thoughts and distractions to settle.

3) When you feel calm and at ease, begin to relax your body by sinking gently into the chair or cushion as if you are settling into a very comfortable bed and letting yourself go.

4) Allow yourself to drift inwards, focusing on nothing but the silence inside yourself.

5) When you feel ready, bring your focus back to the present moment and notice any insights or new ideas that come to mind.

You may receive insights during the meditation, or you may not. It is important to let go of expectations as this can add resistance and block the flow of insights. Often times you will receive them later in the day when you least expect it. Regular access to silence will enhance your receptivity to insights during or after meditation.

Analytical VS Intuitive Thinking

It is tempting to separate intuition from logic. However, many cognitive scientists agree that intuitive and analytical thinking should not be seen as opposites; they work together hand in hand. Intuition is the ability to see connections that we might not otherwise see, and logic is the ability to organize information into a coherent whole. When you tap into your intuition, it’s important to be patient and allow yourself time to collect all the relevant data. Once you have a clear picture of what you are sensing, it’s much easier to act on that information. Developing your intuition has that added benefit of improving your ability to apply logic and reasoning.

Intuition or Fear

When you start to receive insights, it can be difficult to know if the insights you receive are your fears, past negative programming, or intuition. The best way to identify where the information comes from is by the tone in which it is delivered. Intuition is like a best friend who wants the highest good for you and is always supportive. The voice of intuition comes to you in neutral tones with no emotion and operates like a GPS in your car – you ask, and your GPS tells you calmly, turn left, turn right etc.

Alternatively, when your fear convinces you, it has a negative feeling and comes with diminishing negative self-talk. It’s as if it is shouting at you with an urgent tone. It’s important not to ignore your fear but to recognise it as programming that is not aligning with your true higher-self decisions. Once you recognise the difference between intuition and fear, you can begin to heal the fearful aspect of yourself, choose to embrace your evolving higher self, and take action with confidence.

Deepen Your Practice

Meditation is one way to boost your intuition, but there are many other ways. To deepen your practice of intuition, try these practices:

1) Practice asking questions like “What is the most important thing I need to know right now?” or “What am I overlooking?”

2) Connect with nature by spending time outside in nature or taking a walk in a park.

3) Write down your thoughts and ideas as they come to you, even if they are not fully formed yet.

4) Practice visualization, using images or symbols representing what you want to achieve.

5) Spend time in silence each day, allowing yourself time to simply be and feel.

Tune in to learn what messages your intuition has for you. By focusing your mind and allowing yourself to be in the moment, you can start to develop a strong connection with your intuition. Be patient. Intuition doesn’t always come instantly, so give it time to surface. Ultimately, it’s up to you to believe that you have the ability to access your intuition and trust that it will guide you in the right direction.